Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research about drawing artist Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

About drawing artist - Research Paper Example Da Vinci would head back to Florence around 1500 and get commissioned to do a couple of paintings he would never finish before heading for Milan again to work for the French governor. During this time, he would create another of his masterpieces, The Mona Lisa. Da Vinci was primarily an architect for the governor of Milan and did not come up with any significant piece from this time. When the French was removed from Milan in 1513, Da Vinci went and lived in Rome for three years before moving permanently to France. He died at the age of 67. Da Vinci is credited for a number The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man and Madonna of the Rocks. The Mona Lisa, as mentioned earlier, was supposedly a portrait of a merchant’s wife. However, so many stories have come up as to who was the model for The Mona Lisa. The painting became more popular when it was stolen in August 21, 1911 from the Salon Carrà © of the Louvre Museum. After 2 years, the painting was found under the possession of Vincenzo Peruggia, an employee of the Louvre. He was trying to sell the painting in Florence. The Vitruvian Man was made with pen and ink around 1487. Vitruvius was a Roman architect who described the ideal human proportions as part of his book De Architectura. The drawing has a picture of a man standing with his legs together and his arms outstretched to his sides in the middle of the page. The man’s arms were also drawn as they would be raised a few inches upwards. The man’s legs were also drawn as they would be apart. Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man has served as an inspiration for several media. For example, it can be found on the Italian 1 euro coin. A figure in a space suit in the poses of the Vitruvian Man is on the EVA patch of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s space suit. Finally, as discussed lengthily in the movie and book, Da Vinci Code, the artist was also responsible for The Last Supper. Da Vinci’s representation of the

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