Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pawnbroking in the Victorian Era Essay example -- Victorian Era

Pawnbroking in the Victorian Era Pleasant Riderhood â€Å"was an unlicensed pawnbroker, keeping what was popularly called a Leaving Shop, by lending insignificant sums on insignificant articles of property deposited with her as security.† The Leaving Shop was set up by Pleasant’s mother before she died (Dickens 345). Pawning To pawn goods was an easy, legal way to get cash. The shops were maintained to help people hide their hocking habits. Many shops had the entrance at the back of the building (â€Å"Pawnbrokers†). Pawning showed how desperate people were for money because the pawning business only provided temporary relief. The pawnbroker’s â€Å"lend bank notes on ‘Goods honestly come by’ at five per cent., and which they sell if not redeemed† (Poovey 240). Employment in the Pawnbroking Business (1871) * # men=49; # women=79 * Figures also include shopkeepers and dealers (â€Å"The economy†) The Pawnbroker’s Shop The pawnbroker had â€Å"trinkets and expensive jewellery, while the more humble money-lender boldly advertises his calling, and invites observation.†Dickens described...

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