Sunday, October 6, 2019

Apply Critical Thinking Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Apply Critical Thinking - Article Example For example, the fact that most cats love milk does not automatically conclude that some cats have tails and neither does it  conclude  that David Hume was the biggest philosopher of all times. This is the  fallacy  in which an argument  is based  on  misleading,  superficial  and  implausible  comparisons.  For example  the statement "seven windows are given to animals in the head domicile; two eyes, a mouth, two ears, and two nostrils"  (Hegel, 2010). However, from this  statement  we cannot conclude that there are many other similarities in nature, which are difficult to  put  in words. The arguments and comparisons are  misleading  and  superficial. Hasty generalization is another type of logical fallacy which emanates from faulty generalization (Hegel, 2010).  In this type of generalization, conclusion comes through without keeping in  perspective  all the variables.  For instance: Take the  example  of someone travelling through a town for the first time. He comes across 10 people all of whom are children. The  person  eventually concludes that there are no adult residents in the town. Equivocation is a form of logical fallacy that represents the same  word  stated to  provide  two  unlike meanings. For example, a  sign  indicating â€Å"fine  for parking  here† as observed by Hengel (2010, p. 34), essentially has two different meanings. The first one being that it is  acceptable  to  park  a vehicle within that yard and the second one being that parking a vehicle within such a yard will incur

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